Timelapse is going green! The new environmentally friendly changes in timelapse technology

While we celebrate New Years Eve with champagne, fireworks and maybe even a kiss, the turn of each new year also brings something less pleasant. Increasing environmental devastation.
Our ice caps are melting, increasing species are becoming extinct and many areas of the planet are predicted to be too hot to be habitable by only 2050.
Whilst it’s a scary thing to think about, it’s important to remember that it truly is not all doom and gloom. We all need to be mindful of our impact on the world around us in every area of our life. But did you know that a really simple way of going green is with timelapse cameras?
Now, timelapse cameras are already more environmentally friendly to use than a regular camera. This is because to create the same length of timelapse video on a timelapse camera will use much less energy than a regular camera or smartphone. If you have ever tried to film a timelapse sunset on your smartphone and have seen how much this has drained your battery you can attest to this. This makes sense as timelapse cameras are specially made just to do one thing. Timelapse.
So just by using a timelapse camera you are already making a difference in your environmental impact.
However, with one more simple change you can double your impact with very little effort. And that simple change is solar power.
Timelapse Camera Solar Power Options
Everyone loves the sun and your timelapse camera is no different.
Here at The Timelapse Store we are really proud to introduce our entire solar panel line.
Solar energy is of course clean energy. We are not taking any unsustainable resources from the earth or creating potentially harmful effects when we use solar.
Like other forms of green energy, we can keep our conscious clean when using solar products.
Timelapse cameras will typically run on 1 of 3 sources of power: mains electricity, batteries, or of course green energy like solar power.
Now we all know the environmental harms of the fossil fuels that keep our electricity running, however did you know that a single battery takes over 100 years to fully decompose, and if not disposed of correctly will leak harmful chemicals into the soil?
Therefore, by switching to solar, not only will you be preventing the emissions caused by the manufacturing of batters, but you will also be reducing waste, as you will no longer need to be throwing away batteries when your timelapse camera has used up all the power.
With such a simple switch to solar you can make such a difference.
But the benefits of our solar power options go well beyond just environmental concerns.
With solar power, you will no longer need to worry about batteries running out or power shortages from mains electricity. With our solar power option your timelapse camera will never let you down with missing footage as solar power is about as reliable as you can get. The power is immediate and requires no manual top-ups.
Furthermore, with our solar option there is no need to worry about long cables snaking around your filming area and potentially causing a tripping hazard. Our Brinno ASP1000-P Solar Kit, pictured below, connects directly to your timelapse camera meaning no complicated cabling is needed. This benefit is fantastic for expanding locations of your timelapse camera too, as areas that previously would be untenable due to wiring or power can now be viable filming locations.
Our Brinno ASP1000-P Solar Kit is also completely weatherproof so will be reliable for all your project needs.
Timelapse’s wider use in environmental science
As mentioned in our most recent blog a vast number of industries are using timelapse to help achieve their goals. And nowhere is this more evident than in the environmental sciences.
The environmental sciences are at the cutting edge of timelapse use. And this implementation of timelapse technology is helping to create a greener planet for us all.
By using timelapse footage environmental scientists have empirical proof of environmental changes over time. Timelapse footage is a particularly powerful piece of data due to its story telling ability.
Often video illustrates a message in a more impactful way than is possible with numerical data.
Take for example this fantastic timelapse study presented by Google.
Whilst the numerical data for deforestation is shocking, it is difficult to imagine exactly how many hectares of forest have been destroyed. The numbers are too big to be able to picture. However, to be able to present the real time changes via timelapse the viewer can truly see the impacts in a way that is a lot clearer and emotionally stimulating.
But having scientific data presented in an inspiring and creative video format is not the only reason environmental scientists are using timelapse in their projects.
The Scottish Natural Heritage Research Report conducted a study to monitor the attendance of auks in the Northern Scottish Isles. However, they quickly realized they had a problem. Getting to the areas of auk habitat in the winter is very tricky as the trails become difficult to pass. Nevertheless, these areas needed to be constantly monitored to ensure the correct number of auks were being observed.
And here comes the timelapse camera to the rescue!
After the initial set up the cameras were left to do their magic, meaning not only did the researchers avoid these treacherous paths in the winter, but it also freed up their working hours for other areas of research. In areas that sometimes lack funding to be able to put in a technology like a timelapse camera can make impactful financial repercussions.
Not forgetting, our timelapse cameras are small, compact and can run with just solar power alone. Importantly this makes the set-up is much less invasive for animal species.
The auk study above is not the only example of timelapse cameras allowing us to obtain evidence that previously would have been very challenging if not impossible to get.
The British Antarctic Survey also have used timelapse cameras in their studies of the signy penguin population. Conditions in the Antarctic are hazardous to human life at the best of times, but with the increased technology of timelapse cameras these scientific researchers were able to count and observe penguin populations from the comfort of a warm and hospitable environment. This was a feat that previously would have been incredibly challenging without the help of the timelapse camera.
Likewise, remaining under the ocean for a significant time is not yet something our technology allows us humans to do. However, with the help of timelapse cameras marine scientists can track species numbers , rates of sea coral bleaching and other effects of global warming on our oceans. Once again, without the technological advancement of cameras being able to see these phenomenon long term would simply be impossible.
And from the large scale of Antarctic monitoring to the ocean floor, timelapse cameras can also be used to help the environment in ways as small as a seed.
Increasingly, farmers are using timelapse cameras to help improve yield and improve agricultural technology. With our planet increasingly getting hotter, worries about disastrous crop yields are increasing. However, with the help of timelapse technology we can perfect farming techniques to help minimize the effects of global warming on our food supply as much as possible.
With the help of all this data captured with timelapse technology we are now increasingly well informed as to the effects of global warming on nearly every part of our planet. And with this evidence, we know the importance of making a change.
The work carried out by the above incredible environmental scientists cannot be overstated in its positive environmental impact.
Our Timelapse Store Environmental Initiative
We here at The Timelapse Store also want to do our bit to help keep our planet in tip top condition.
Because of this we have set up our Brinno TLC 200 Pro initiative.
If you have a preowned Brinno TLC 200 Pro sat around, please send this back to us and we promise to give you 30% off your next Brinno camera or 15% off any other camera brand on our store.
As part of our green responsibility, we want to make sure all cameras are being reused or disposed of as responsibly as possible. This means even if your camera is not in good working order, whilst we will not be able to deliver vouchers, we will make sure it is disposed of in the most environmentally way possible.
Great things are achieved through small steps, and helping the environment is no different. If we each do our own part, we can help our planet heal.
At The Timelapse Store, we are incredibly proud to be seeing the massive impact timelapse technology has been having on environmental science and we cannot wait to see how this will develop in the future.
So let’s all put in our grain of sand and make a difference today.
If you would like to learn more about our environmentally friendly initiatives and solar power options at The Timelapse Store we would love to speak to you. To talk to our expert advisers please give us a call on 0330 058 8318 and we would love to be able to answer your question.