Leading UK Supplier of Top Brand Timelapse Cameras
In 2010 we started playing with our first timelapse camera. At the time there were only a digital SLR's or a very simple compact cameras to choose from, and making a decision on the best camera to buy was relatively easy.
The amount of timelapse cameras now available has increased massively. This brings its own problems of which camera is best for which Project. The Timelapse Store offers a full spectrum approach to this specialist sector and covers everything from simple compact low resolution cameras through to the latest higher resolution cameras (currently at 22k UHD, but we suspect that this will always change).
We are free of the usual manufacturers bias and always offer the best solution and choice where possible. All products are covered by the manufacturers warranties and in some cases, supplemented by our own extended warranty.
We have been involved with the sale or support of over 15,000 cameras since 2013 and we know a thing or two about their use and deployment. We are able to offer advice of a wide range of related topics such as lighting, Project settings, viewing angles and even how to best present the final video.
Don’t worry about contacting us, we are always happy to help with any advice needed and you wont get any of the usual up-selling you find from traditional internet selling platforms.